Arcbishop of Havana

by | 17 Nov 2018

He was promoted in 1981 to the Archdiocese of Havana as Archbishop, on December 27 he took possession of his new headquarters.

At a Christmas party with his collaborators. 2014His service as Archbishop of Havana owes the creation of several parishes, the constitution of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the diocesan Council of laity, which brings together the different movements of the Archdiocese, the reconstruction of more than fifty churches and parish houses , the establishment of a Priestly House that welcomes the priests of the Diocese and of all Cuba for meetings, retreats or simply on their days of rest, the creation of a Lay Center of meetings, with library, chapel and guest rooms, the The construction of two meeting and meeting centers, especially for young people, are some of the main actions undertaken by the Archbishop, who has always had a special concern for the laity and, within it, for young people. He owes the establishment in 1991 of Caritas Habana, thus beginning to exist Caritas Cuba; In the same way, he created the Cultural Center “P. Félix Varela “, a center dedicated to the formation of the laity.

The Archbishop’s main concern has been vocations to the priesthood. It is due to the construction in Havana of the new San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary, which provides its services to all the dioceses of Cuba, and which constitutes the largest construction carried out by the Catholic Church in Cuba since 1959. It has ordered more than 40 priests, a modest number, but significant for a diocese, especially if we consider that since the 60s in Cuba the Church has had a very restricted pastoral action, a situation that has been alleviated in recent years.