Hospital C.Q. Ameijeiras Hospital. Juan Pablo II Institute of Bioethics. Physician since December 1975. Doctor in Medicine. II Degree Specialist in Internal Medicine. II Degree Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine and Medical Emergencies. Consultant Professor of Intensive Care Medicine Hospital Hnos. Ameijeiras.
Founder-Director of the Juan Pablo II Institute of Bioethics. Professor Coordinator of the Chair of Bioethics of the Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies P. Felix Varela. Professor of the Baccalaureate and Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities of said Institute.
Member of the first six Cuban members of the Ibero Panamerican Society of Intensive Care. Member of the Latin American Federation of Catholic Physicians. Member of the Cuban Society of Internal Medicine. Associate Member of the Cuban Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Associate Member of the Cuban Society of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Founding Member of the National Commission on Encephalic Death. Vice-President of the Organizing Commissions of the International Symposiums on Death and Coma. Vice-President of the Cuban Bioethics Committee of the Cuban Academy of Sciences. Founding Member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Centers and Institutes of Bioethics of Personalist Inspiration. Member of the Governing Board of the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of Bioethics. Member of the Ibero Pan-American Society of Personalism. Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life of the Holy See. President of the Cuban National Committee of Bioethics UNESCO/Acadamia de Ciencias de Cuba.