Action plan 2021

by | 18 Mar 2024


A1. Administration and Service Center

Type: Own

Sector: Education

Function: Centers and infrastructures

Location of the activity: Community of Madrid, Cuba.

Detailed description of the activity: Services. Logistics, construction maintenance, janitors.

The Service Center is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Padre Félix Varela Cultural Center building. It takes care of the janitors and the maintenance of construction, electrical, air conditioning and teaching support equipment. In addition, he takes care of gardening, carpentry, etc. It also takes care of paying utility bills to various suppliers such as electricity, water, transport, connectivity, teaching supplies, etc.

It also takes care of the logistics of support to the works that operate in the Center such as: preparation of events, attention to visitors, custody of exhibitions, etc.

The conservation of this building and its different facilities is fundamental, since its construction dates back to the end of the 18th century, which is why the building is subject to a periodic and reasonable maintenance plan with the objective of keeping it in good condition. The same applies to the Cathedral and its Chapels.

The economic contributions to this Service Center are used to cover the annual expenses incurred by the CCPFV for the development of its activities in its different areas.

Within this activity, the Restoration Project of the Old Seminary of San Carlos and San Ambrosio, an 18th century building, plays an important role.

This activity also includes the Library, which is part of the same group.

These expenditures include expenses for the Foundation’s areas of activity in administration, salaries, consumables, materials, representation, travel, maintenance, ordinary and extraordinary expenses,

maintenance, ordinary and extraordinary expenses. It must be taken into account that, in Cuba, the prices of construction materials have risen significantly in the last year, as well as the price of labor for self-employed workers.

The beneficiaries of this Activity is the sum of all the beneficiaries who physically go to the Cultural Center building, this excludes the beneficiaries in the networks of the Communication Activity, as well as the beneficiaries of the John Paul II Institute of Bioethics, which is not located in this building.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel17,003.600,00
Service contract personnel17,003.600,00
Volunteer staff0,000,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities1,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

To carry out the Restoration Project of the Old Seminary Building of San Carlos and San Ambrosio.Approval of the Architectural Project and its Budget1,00
MaintenanceMonthly supervision12,00
AdministrationQuarterly supervision4,00

A2. Father Félix Varela Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies

Type: Own

Sector: Education

Function: Other

Location of the activity: Community of Madrid,Cuba

Detailed description of the planned activity: The Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies provides an integral formation in Humanities that makes a contribution to society from a Christian perspective, respecting religious freedom. It offers students an opening of horizons and a deepening in subjects such as theology, philosophy, history, economics, arts, ethics, among other areas of the Humanities, with the objective of being applied in society for the common good and the civic construction of the country. It will provide young professionals with new tools that will contribute to their work performance a significant humanistic improvement. These studies take the form of Bachelor’s and Bachelor’s degrees and the possibility of Master’s and Doctoral theses in universities outside Cuba.

The Institute is under the auspices of the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education and its degrees comply with the Bologna Protocol.

The economic contributions to the Institute are used to develop its formative work in students and professors and in its various activities.

Including salaries of permanent professors and per diems of foreign guest professors, as well as activities, events and also the proposal of scholarships and business internships for 2 students and 2 professors, contributing to a better academic and professional training in graduates and trainers of the center.

Collaboration is also sought with other related institutions outside Cuba, so that graduate studies and internships in companies can be carried out.

The Institute is open to people over 18 years of age who have completed high school or equivalent studies, or higher.

Students selected to participate in internships and postgraduate studies must have a satisfactory academic performance, as well as appropriate human qualities and an explicit commitment to apply the training received in Cuba.

Both students and teachers are considered beneficiaries of the Institute.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel35,0035.580,00
Service contract personnel35,0035.580,00
Volunteer staff0,000,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities1,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

Develop the Bachelor’s degreeNumber of High School Graduates30,00
To develop the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degree programsNumber of persons who do not graduate but take courses25,00
Develop a Bachelor’s degreeNumber of Undergraduate Graduates20,00

A3. Center for Business Studies

Tipo: Propia

Sector: Educación

Función: Otros

Lugar de desarrollo de la actividad: Comunidad de Madrid,Cuba

Detailed description of the activity: The main project of this activity is “Cuba Emprende”. It is an initiative of the late Cardinal Jaime Ortega, during his time as Archbishop of Havana, whose purpose is to contribute to social progress and the quality of life of people who wish to start or improve their businesses. It trains and accompanies entrepreneurs by offering a variety of training, education and counseling services.

It is a space for entrepreneurs to interact and contribute to the development of their businesses, promote their products, exchange testimonies and experiences, and contribute to the analysis and search for solutions to common problems. More than five thousand people have benefited from this activity.

It has a formative part where training is offered in the workshops it has implemented. The first consists of four modules:

Human Development, Administration and Marketing, Accounting and Finance, and Sales and Customer Service. The second consists of three packages of three modules each. “Cuba Emprende” also offers specific, general and specialized advice in areas such as strategy, administration, accounting, marketing, design, legal and fiscal, and communication, among others.

Participation in the workshops’ educational offerings requires a one-time symbolic contribution of about $10.00 USD from the participants, as does the mentoring program. These contributions are part of the educational process and are far from covering the costs. The destination of these perceived funds goes to the Research and Development item of the Study Center.

Three events are also organized during the year, the “May Fair”, “November of Entrepreneurs” and the theoretical event in July. This year we intend to set up an on-line business consultation room. Students pay the same fee for this program as for consulting services and the funds are used as explained above.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel23,0044.767,00
Service contract personnel23,0044.767,00
Volunteer staff0,000,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities0,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

Corporate trainingDevelop training modules23,00
Contribute to the promotion of alliances and entrepreneurship networks.Organization of fairs and events3,00
Develop the Entrepreneur Advisory Program.Consulting hours1.200,00

A4. John Paul II” Institute of Bioethics

Type: Own

Sector: Education

Function: Other

Location of the activity: Community of Madrid,Cuba

Detailed description of the planned activity: The Institute of Bioethics has as its objectives the formation of people who can influence society based on a healthy philosophical anthropology and the formation in values that is carried out through Bioethics and its related disciplines.

This institution is open to all Cuban society without distinction of religious creed or philosophical orientation.

For those interested in the study of the subject, several programs are offered, such as: three Diplomas, two Master’s Degrees, one in Bioethics and the other in Cooperation and Social Dialogue, a course of the School of Thought and Creativity “Don Alfonso López Quintas”, summer courses, workshops, conferences and congresses.

In addition, it has three publications, a website, belongs to several international societies and has an extensive university extension program. Our Institute also participates in several research projects based on the dissertations and theses of the students of the Diploma and Master’s programs, as well as the intellectual production generated by the same project.

At the request of various institutions, religious or otherwise, it offers teaching services, consulting, conferences, as well as other activities of various types. Among the institutions with which we have relationships, the following stand out: Caritas Cubana, Siervas de San Jose, Instituto de Estudios

Studies Institute, University of Havana, Program of Martí Studies, Latin American School of Medicine, Center for Studies of Reflection and Dialogue

Estudios de Reflexión y Dialogo, Universidad Anáhuac, Instituto de Bioética de la Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile, Universidad Católica de Valencia and others.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel10,0020.800,00
Service contract personnel12,0016.292,00
Volunteer staff13,00628,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities51,00

D. Objetivos e indicadores de la realización de la actividad

Develop the Masters in Bioethics and in Cooperation and Social Dialogue, three Diploma Programs and the School of Thought and Creativity.Implementation of teaching programs5,00
Editing the Journal of BioethicsCopies printed per year at a rate of 1,000 every four months3.000,00
Editing the Bioethics NotebooksCopies printed per year at a rate of 1,000 every four months3.000,00
Edit Bioethics ReflectionsCopies printed per year at a rate of 1,000 at the end of the year1.000,00
Update content on the web siteVisits and content downloads800.000,00

A5. Cátedra de Música Sacra

Type: Own

Sector: Culture

Function: Other

Place of performance of the activity: Comunidad de Madrid,Cuba

Detailed description of the activity: The Chair of Sacred Music is linked to the Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies, but as an activity of the Fundación Cardenal Jaime Ortega it has its own entity.

The Chair’s initiative responds directly to the Apostolic Constitution Sacrosantum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (1962-1965), aimed at the musical training of individuals in charge of sacred music within temples.

Since its foundation the Chair has developed events such as the Havana Sacred Music Week, since 2014, Musicanova since 2019 and the Havana International Organ Week since 2019. In these events, suggestive proposals of sacromusical concerts converge with an academic program of the highest level, implemented through workshops and conferences. Likewise, it actively participates in the liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations of the diocese, and promotes the creation and support of socio-cultural programs related to sacred music such as the Escolanía de la Arquidiócesis de San Cristóbal de La Habana for the instruction of children and young people.

At least 10 individual artists or ensembles from three provinces of Cuba as well as 10 parish choirs of the Archdiocese will participate in the Festival of Sacred Music in the formative meeting for the improvement of the liturgical service.

The activity of this Chair is carried out with the support and teaching recognition of the University of Regensburg.

Among the beneficiary legal entities is the Archbishopric of Havana, which groups the Cathedral and 7 other parishes where the concerts are offered. Also included are two Archbishoprics and 6 bishoprics of Cuban dioceses that group parishes whose choirs and musicians participate in courses and events. In addition, there are 16 Cuban cultural institutions with which there are alliances, including the National School of Music (ENA) and the Amadeo Roldán Conservatory of Music. There are 7 other foreign institutions.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel6,004.320,00
Service contract personnel4,00480,00
Volunteer staff1,00240,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities31,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

Organize events that promote the development of Sacred Music.Celebration of the Sacred Music Festival1,00
Organize events that promote the development of Sacred Music.Musicanova Festival1,00
Organize events that promote the development of Sacred Music.International Organ Cycle1,00
Organize events that promote the development of Sacred Music.Festival of Parish Choirs1,00
Musical formation for the LiturgyMusical formation for the Liturgy20,00
Musical formation for the LiturgyGraduates of the Diploma in Sacred Music4,00
Participation in liturgical celebrationsMasses and other celebrations in the Archdiocese’s churches8,00
Performance of Sacred Music concerts in the media.Televised and broadcast liturgical celebrations2,00

A6. Institutional Communication

Type: Own

Sector: Social

Function: Communication and Diffusion

Place of performance of the activity: Community of Madrid, Cuba

Detailed description of the activity: The mission of the Communication activity of the Fundación Cardenal Jaime Ortega is to disseminate the knowledge, goals and achievements of the Foundation in Cuba, USA and Europe.

Throughout the year, the Institutes of Bioethics, Ecclesiastical Studies and Business Studies in New York and Madrid will be presented as part of the Foundation’s activities. Other communication activities will also be carried out with the support of professional advisors and the Foundation’s participation in associations.

As part of its activities, Communication aims to give visibility to the educational, cultural and research work carried out by the different areas of the Foundation.

Foundation: the Father Felix Varela Cultural Center, the Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies, the Chair of Sacred Music, the John Paul II Institute of Bioethics and the restoration of the bicentennial building of the Cultural Center.

Also within its mission is to raise awareness among potential donors about the importance of their financial support to the work of the Foundation while developing an Institutional Transparency plan that provides detailed information on the activity, funding and results of the Cardinal Jaime Ortega Foundation.

Likewise, it will disseminate calls for courses, events, scholarships and training opportunities inside and outside Cuba.

Ensuring a permanent staff and the necessary means for this purpose will also be part of its objectives. For this reason, there will be premises for the organization of publicity, administration and accounting of the Foundation.

To achieve its objectives, it will use media such as: websites, social networks, press, radio and television.

The number of beneficiaries is the sum of all the people who in turn benefit from the different activities, since the main fruit of this activity is to empower others: either by contacting people who can make donations, or by serving as a bridge for inter-institutional alliances, or by increasing the impact on Cuban society.

Among the legal entities with which we interact are Cuban educational institutions, companies as well as ecclesiastical institutions in Cuba and the world.

B. Recursos humanos a emplear en la actividad

Salaried personnel5,004.040,00
Service contract personnel5,004.040,00
Volunteer staff1,00100,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities124,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

Develop and maintain the website of the Fundación Cardenal Jaime Ortega.Number of active visitors in the first year15.000,00
Transparent communication with Institutions, Donors and Visitors of the FCJONumber of interactions with institutions and unique individuals200,00
Develop a presence in Social NetworksNumber of followers in social networks15.000,00

A7. Eventos culturales

Type: Own

Sector: Culture

Function: Other

Location of the activity: Comunidad de Madrid,Cuba

Detailed description of the planned activity: One of the objectives of the Cultural Center is to provide the Church’s own contribution to the active development of the thinking sector of the country, in line with the historical mission developed by the Seminary of San Carlos and Father Felix Varela, sources of inspiration for the work of the Cultural Center. Another of its objectives is to complement the formative role of the Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies Father Felix Varela, offering spaces that promote the effective linkage of its students and the academic disciplines they study, with various expressions of cultural creation in the country.

It includes the events organized at the Father Felix Varela Cultural Center that have an impact on any of the various facets of the world of culture. Those planned for the calendar year 2021 are listed:

  • Conferences and symposiums: Symposium on the occasion of the celebration of the National Culture Day: two complementary conferences on a central theme related to the celebration.
  • Series of bimonthly conferences on great Cuban intellectuals and Catholic thinkers.
  • Monthly conferences of the Library.
  • Symposium on the social and cultural impact of Spanish immigration to Cuba.
  • Debate meetings: Quarterly debate meetings “In Dialogue” of the Espacio Laical Magazine on controversial social issues.
  • Series of quarterly debate meetings on current scientific topics.
  • Visual arts exhibitions: Three visual arts exhibitions: two of painting/sculpture and one of photography.
Activities related to magazines
  • Celebration of the Palabra Nueva Contest
  • Launching of Vivarium Magazine (2 issues)
  • Launching of a book with a selection of texts from Espacio Laical.
Film activities
  • Weekly film screenings
  • Workshop for young filmmakers linked to the ICAIC’s Muestra Joven.
  • Audiovisual archive of the Archdiocese of Havana: filming, editing and recording of all relevant archdiocesan activities. The beneficiaries are those persons and institutions that participate in the different cultural proposals, or have collaboration agreements.

B. Human resources to be employed in the activity

Salaried personnel12,00940,00
Service contract personnel56,004.360,00
Volunteer staff80,00200,00

C. Beneficiaries and/or users of the activity

Legal entities48,00

D. Objectives and indicators of the performance of the activity

Contribute to the development of Cuban social thoughtParticipants in cultural exchange spaces800,00
Contribute to the development of Cuban social thoughtEvaluation of the quality of spaces 0-107,00
Contribute to the development of Cuban social thoughtSignificant website visits1.500,00
Complementing the formation of other Church institutionsVisits to exhibitions500,00
Complementing the formation of other Church institutionsTo complement the formative role of the Father Felix Varela Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies, offering spaces that promote the effective linkage of its students and the academic disciplines they study, with diverse expressions of cultural creation in the country.90,00
Complementing the formation of other Church institutionsEvaluation of the quality of the spaces from 0 – 107,00


Expenses for grants and other0,000,000,000,00
a) Monetary assistance0,000,000,000,00
b) Non-cash assistance0,000,000,000,00
c) Expenses for collaborations and governing bodies0,000,000,000,00
Changes in inventories of finished products and work in progress0,000,000,000,00
Personnel expenses-15.500,00-59.850,00-94.700,00-7.000,00
Other activity expenses-97.250,00-50.600,00-92.800,00-73.400,00
Projects, Events, Research0,00-37.700,00-72.800,00-19.640,00
Building repairs and maintenance-70.000,000,000,000,00
Scholarships for students abroad0,00-10.600,00-10.000,000,00
Business Consulting Software License0,000,00-10.000,000,00
Administrative activities-27.000,000,000,000,00
Expansion of premises0,000,000,00-53.760,00
Maintenance Expenses-250,00-2.300,000,000,00
Depreciation of fixed assets-11.000,000,00-4.700,00-6.750,00
Impairment and gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets0,000,000,000,00
Financial expenses0,000,00-240,000,00
Changes in fair value of financial instruments0,000,000,000,00
Exchange rate differences0,000,00-3.700,000,00
Impairment and gains or losses on disposal of financial instruments0,000,000,000,00
Income tax0,000,000,000,00
Total expenses-125.790,00-135.750,00-198.640,00-106.810,00
Acquisitions of fixed assets (except Historical Heritage Assets)3.970,003.500,004.200,000,00
Acquisitions of Historical Heritage Assets0,000,000,000,00
Cancellation of non-trade debt0,000,000,000,00
Total investments3.970,003.500,004.200,000,00
TOTAL RESOURCES FORESEEN129.760,00139.250,00202.840,00106.810,00
Expenses for grants and other0,000,000,00
a) Monetary assistance0,000,000,00
b) Non-cash assistance0,000,000,00
c) Expenses for collaborations and governing bodies0,000,000,00
Changes in inventories of finished products and work in progress0,000,000,00
Personnel expenses-9.400,00-3.520,00-1.820,00
Other activity expenses-38.870,00-30.900,00-3.300,00
Events, Exhibitions, Exchange Spaces, Connectivity0,000,00-3.300,00
Projects, Events, Research-22.000,000,000,00
Sacred music project for children-13.870,000,000,00
Foundation Presentations in Madrid and New York0,00-30.900,000,00
Maintenance Expenses-3.000,000,000,00
Depreciation of fixed assets0,000,000,00
Impairment and gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets0,000,000,00
Financial expenses0,000,000,00
Changes in fair value of financial instruments0,000,000,00
Exchange rate differences0,000,000,00
Impairment and gains or losses on disposal of financial instruments0,000,000,00
Income tax0,000,000,00
Total expenses-48.270,00-37.400,00-7.130,00
Acquisitions of fixed assets (except Historical Heritage Assets)0,000,000,00
Acquisitions of Historical Heritage Assets0,000,000,00
Cancellation of non-trade debt0,000,000,00
Total investments0,000,000,00
TOTAL RESOURCES FORESEEN48.270,0037.400,007.130,00
Expenses for grants and other0,000,00
a) Monetary assistance0,000,00
b) Non-cash assistance0,000,00
c) Expenses for collaborations and governing bodies0,000,00
Changes in inventories of finished products and work in progress0,000,00
Personnel expenses-191.790,00-191.790,00
Other activity expenses-387.120,000,00-387.120,00
Events, Exhibitions, Exchange Spaces, Connectivity-3.300,00-3.300,00
Projects, Events, Research-152.140,00-152.140,00
Building repairs and maintenance-70.000,00-70.000,00
Scholarships for students abroad-20.600,00-20.600,00
Business Consulting Software License-10.000,00-10.000,00
Administrative activities-27.000,00-27.000,00
Expansion of premises-53.760,00-53.760,00
Sacred music project for children-13.870,00-13.870,00
Foundation Presentations in Madrid and New York-30.900,00-30.900,00
Maintenance Expenses-5.550,00-5.550,00
Depreciation of fixed assets-22.450,00-22.450,00
Impairment and gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets0,000,00
Financial expenses-240,00-240,00
Changes in fair value of financial instruments0,000,00
Exchange rate differences-3.700,00-3.700,00
Impairment and gains or losses on disposal of financial instruments0,000,00
Income tax0,000,00
Total expenses-659.790,000,00-659.790,00
Acquisitions of fixed assets (except Historical Heritage Assets)11.670,0011.670,00
Acquisitions of Historical Heritage Assets0,000,00
Cancellation of non-trade debt0,000,00
Total investments11.670,000,0011.670,00
TOTAL RESOURCES FORESEEN671.460,000,00671.460,00


Forecast of income to be obtained by the entity

Income and other income derived from equity9.000,00
Sales and services rendered in connection with own activities7.800,00
Sales and other income from trading activities0,00
Public sector subsidies0,00
Private contributions344.370,00
Other types of income0,00

Forecast of other economic resources to be obtained by the entity

Debts incurred0,00
Other financial obligations assumed0,00

Additional information on the financing of the activities to be carried out

  • Private contributions €344,370:
  • Kirche in Not for Cultural Activities €6,000 per year.
  • Caritas Norway for the Institute for Ecclesiastical Studies €116,000 per year.
  • Fundación Cuba Emprende for the Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial €149,690 per year.
  • Catholic University of Valencia, Kirche in Not and Adveniat for the Institute of Bioethics €66,680 per year.
  • University of Regensburg for the Chair of Sacred Music €6,000 per year.
  • Inheritance bequeathed by Elizabetta Batistta in the amount of €700,000. Deposited by H.E. Cardinal Jaime Ortega in an account of the Archbishopric of Havana and pending allocation.