Last Saturday, April 15, at 9 am, the graduation of a considerable number of professionals corresponding to the class of the 2020-2021 academic year was held at the John Paul II Institute of Bioethics, located in the P. Felix Varela Cultural Center, in Havana City.
Numerous graduates and their families gathered in the Aula Magna of the aforementioned place. The event was presided over by Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez, Archbishop of Havana, the Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Mons. Giampiero Gloder, Auxiliary Bishop Eloy Ricardo Domínguez Martínez, the Director-Founder Prof. Dr. René Zamora Marínz, the Director of the University of Havana, Dr. René Zamora Marínz, the Director of the University of Havana, Dr. René Zamora Marínz, the Director of the University of Havana and the Director of the University of Havana. Dr. René Zamora Marín, Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and President of the Cuban National Committee of Bioethics UNESCO/Academy of Sciences, together with Prof. Dr. Berta González Muñoz, Coordinator of the Master’s Program.
This accreditation has been carried out for several years in coordination with the Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Martir” and is accredited by the Bologna Plan of the European Union.
Numerous academic personalities from the University of Havana, presidents of Scientific Societies, delegates from the Latin American School of Medicine, the Medical University of Havana, part of the executive of the Cuban Bioethics Committee, as well as other teaching bodies of the Ministry of Higher Education were present.
Dr. Zamora thanked the academic authorities of the university for their support and accompaniment, especially Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, as well as the new Archbishop of Valencia and Grand Chancellor Enrique Benavent, who reiterated a few days ago, in the words of Dr. Zamora, “his decision to continue supporting the John Paul II Institute of Bioethics in Cuba, as he has done up to now”.
It is worth mentioning the intervention by tele-conference of Prof. Dr. Julio Tudela Cuenca, Director of the Observatory of Bioethics and of the international master’s degree of the UCV.
The keynote lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Victoria Ribot Reyes, Professor at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Assistant Researcher, second degree specialist in psychiatry, in General Comprehensive Medicine, Master in Bioethics, Titular Expert of the Psychiatry Commission of the University of Havana.
Julio Hernández Cobas, Master in Bioethics, delivered a speech of gratitude to the graduates, which emphasized, in an engrossing way, the ontological foundation of Personalism.
The Cuban Cardinal, after expressing his satisfaction to the graduates and their professors, made some theological-philosophical considerations, highlighting the importance of spirituality and offered as a gift a Bible dedicated to each of the graduates.
Afterwards, the cultural moment was in charge of the magnificent choral group Vox Cordis, directed by Maestro Ramón Leyva, who delighted us with a cultured and pleasant program that began with Media Vita, Ave Verum and a varied repertoire, which ended with Locuras and the very Cuban Chan Chan, which offered the auditorium a touch of authentic Cuban culture.
At the end, a toast was celebrated with a wine of honor for all participants.
The magazine and digital portal Vida Nueva reported the news of the event:
John Paul II Institute and Catholic University of Valencia promote Bioethics in Cuba